Tribes and tribalism- processes, problems and (possible) solutions in the organizational setting.
Tribes and tribalism- processes, problems and (possible) solutions in the organizational setting. Introduction During the last twelve years I used to organize or to be part of large and different groups of hikers in morocco. Every time a strange thing happens during and at end of the journey. It might be the first time they meet each other, but the hikers create instinctively small informal groups inside the big one. Even if the group have the same main purpose, which is get safely the summit of the mountain, the small groups have different cross-purposes: Taking pictures, challenging the others, being the first to get to the summit, etc. The competitive…
Business in Society: CSR, SD & Ethics
École des Ponts Business School’s code of ethical conduct Introduction In compliance with the values and reputation of Ecole des Ponts Business School, and in respect of its core values, this present code of ethical conduct has been elaborated to set the general principles to which every member of Ecole des Ponts Business School has to adhere and accept. The ultimate goal of Ecole des Ponts Business School is to promote and maintain excellence and integrity through every action it undertakes. This code constrains the whole École des Ponts Business School population (students and staff) to unite around our values: 1) Leverage business and technology to serve human progress across…
Communicating with Impact
PART 1 Discussion of written Communications excellence A good writing communication is all about readers and the experience it provides them. It is supposed to set a clear key message and answer the questions the audience might have. The communication purposes are various. Depending on the audience, the goal of the communication can be explaining, conveying an information, influencing, requesting or delivering a news. Consequently, the delivered message must always be audience-focused, and the writing style should also be in terms that the reader will understand. Larry Page’s letter announcing the creation of Alphabet Inc. is a good example of good communication style. I have always been fascinated by Google…
PART 1 Question B: Solving a leadership problem using the based on the Situational Leadership theory of Blanchard The Situational Leadership theory of Blanchard, is a model first introduced by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard in the mid-1970’s. The theory bases itself on the principle that there is no single “best” leadership style. Indeed, both authors explain that the efficiency and effectiveness of the leadership style can differ from a situation to another, depending on the task and the resource[1]. The theory stipulates that successful leaders are those who can distinguish the ability and willingness of those they need to lead and adapt upon it. In clear, the situational leadership…
Business Industry & Government
Ce rapport est un travail de groupe dont je ne suis pas le seul acteur. Nous étions 6 à le produire. I.Introduction Throughout the last century, Morocco has come a long way to be considered one of the most attractive countries in the Middle East & Africa region, and that, mainly because of its stable economy and geo-political situation. In addition, Morocco also enjoys a strategic geographic situation vis a vis of Europe, America and Africa. It distinguishes itself from other countries in the region by its infrastructure of international standards, and its skilled and efficient human capital. These factors combined certainly put the kingdom under the spotlight and attract…