How to edit iptables rules
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_edit_iptables_rules In this how-to, we will illustrate three ways to edit iptables Rules : CLI : iptables command line interface and system configuration file /etc/sysconfig/iptables. TUI (text-based) interface : setup or system-config-firewall-tui GUI : system-config-firewall NOTE: This how-to illustrates editing existing iptables Rules, not the initial creation of Rules chains. Contents [hide] 1 CLI (command line interface) 1.1 Hot changes to iptables Rules 1.1.1 Listing Rules 1.1.2 Appending Rules 1.1.3 Deleting Rules 1.1.4 Inserting Rules 1.1.5 Replacing Rules 1.1.6 Flushing Rules 1.2 Making changes persistent 2 TUI (text-base user interface) 3 GUI 3.1 Red Hat GUI configuration tool 3.2 Others GUI CLI (command line interface) Hot changes to iptables Rules The following…
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